Category: Free Verse Poetry


I am beyond thrilled that my poem “Courage of a Snowflake” is now published and available to the world in the East Coast Literary Review Spring Edition 2014! There is something magical about creating a piece of writing then seeing it in front of your eyes in print!  Granted I’ve has articles and writing published on websites, ezines, and blogs, there is something intrinsically different when you can hold a physical book and know that your writing played a role in causing the final result of this work of literature coming into fruition. It is an amazing experience  that has no equal! 🙂

The East Coast Literary Review Spring Edition 2014 is now available for purchase on CREATESPACE (an affiliate of Amazon), and set to be released for Kindle in the new future!

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Dream Visions

     Nighttime arrives, shadows begin to lengthen,
sweet slumber will soon overwhelm my being.
     Tiny twinkling glimmers appear in an indigo sky,
moonlight glistens, creating a veil of translucency over Earth.
     Laying with head cradled in a billowing pillow of softness,
thoughts drift to a land inhabited by sweet dreams.
     Visions swirl splendidly throughout my head,
as deeper into unconsciousness I fall.
     Dreams filled with memories of times past,
blurry images, changing rapidly within seconds.
     Pictures flash by, like a movie set to fast forward,
glimpses of life, not played out in entirety.
     They gain in momentum, intensity, appearance,
gasping from the flood of images, I awake.
     Sunlight streams in through slated blinds,
blinking from shimmering trajectories, I rise.

Daily Post Prompt Imagination

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Legacy of a Lifetime
     My dears, days of sunrises draw to an end,
before breath fails me, there’s a message I must send.
     On these precious pages, exist tales you need to know,
stories recounting accomplishments, highs and lows.
     Lessons learned, mistakes made,
please listen closely, time will too soon fade.
     Read this retelling, take what it says to heart,
grant this final request, before our lives must part.
     Share the words imparted, with both young and old,
they must remember who I was, my story needs to be told!
    Dreams, hopes, wishes, discovered upon these pages,
my greatest writing masterpiece, shared repeatedly throughout the ages!
     When from this Earth I become, a mere memory,
this book will remain behind, as my lifetime legacy!

*The Daily Post prompt was to share what you would leave as your legacy.  I feel the reason I became a writer was so my legacy to future generations would be a lifetime of learning to love literature and to hopefully inspire many others to become writers and find a love for the written word as well.  This prompt really makes one think.  What would your legacy to future generations be?
Daily Post Prompt Legacy

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How many of you recognize my title from the song Dream a Little Dream?  I found it to be very fitting for my post today!  Last night the sky was so clear that stars could be seen everywhere you looked! I find watching stars slowly intensify with glowing glory, as the
night sky darkens is magical! Sometimes one is lucky enough to capture some clustered stars forming constellations.  The fact that stars can be so tightly knit together to form the outline of a shape amazes me! 



Secrets in the Stars
     Each twinkling star contains a story,
one it desires to impart to the world.
     Existing silently in the night sky above, 
perched for generations, carefully categorizing stories on the world below.
     Listen closely on clear nights, when the darkest hours approach,
wind whips through hair, whispering amazing tales through blustery currents.
     Timeless tales of wonder, viewed advantageously miles above Earth,
sounding faintly like strains of songs once familiar.
     If you remain immobile under the blanket of night, ears alert,
whispers of words may intensify in volume.
     Yes, stars hold mysteries shared with a select few,
are you open to receive their breathy whispers?

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Sunlight’s Lullaby

Her bent silhoutte forms shadows, tears stream from sapphire eyes.
Heavy heart seeped in grief,
laden with burdens of life, invisible to human eyes.
Golden rays twinkle, specks of fairy dust fill the air,  
a blanket woven of sunlight, encircles her frame.
Comforting touch, protecting one in need during moments of weakness,
driving away emotional vultures perched hungrily, waiting to swoop down.
They will have to quench their hunger elsewhere,
sun’s radiance has forced them into hiding.
Emulating a comforting mother’s hand,
brilliant trajectories bathe the wounded soul in brightness.
Seeking to assuage reason for this melancholy,
cradling its earth child in powerful arms of magnitude, rocking her slowly, into peaceful sleep.
As quiet sighs of contentment escape her lips,
Rays recede into the horizon, watchful for signs that they are needed below.

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