Category: Weekly Photo Challenge

This week’s photo challenge for the Daily Post asks photographers to show the concept of between whether through objects, people, the actual feeling of feeling torn between decisions etc.  Here are a few examples I decided on for the subject of “between” hope you enjoy!


A landscape capture using depth of field to show a tree in the distance between the space in the branches of another tree. The viewer gains more of the surroundings as a result of peering through the space created between the branches.


The love shared between mother and daughter.  This bond is eternal and nothing can ever come between them to break this special connection!


I discovered this spider web formed between two tree branches.


Hidden deep between the blades of grass I uncovered this sparkling water droplet resting on a blade of grass.  It reflected the light beautifully casting a rainbow colored light on the blade upon which it was sitting.  It looked like a jewel resting regally between the vibrant green blades of grass!


This was an interesting addition to the Eiffel Tower when I was in France last month. Hanging between the usually open space was an inflatable tennis ball to advertise the tennis tournament the following week.  The inflatable ball was illuminated at night so it could easily be seen from afar.

So there you have it some very different depictions of the challenge of between.  What ways can you think you to depict the theme of between?

Weekly Photo Challenge- Between


While on vacation last week in France I toured Castle Chambourd in the town of Saumer.  The castle itself was stunning, and one of my favorite architectural aspects of it was the twisting, winding staircase that had been built in the center of the castle leading from the ground to the terrace.  It reached a total of eight floors when completely ascended! I took this photograph of the pillar at the bottom which mirrored the twisting of the staircases in the twisting design encircling the pole.  I felt this photo truly epitomizes the theme of twist for this week’s challenge! 🙂


All words when broken apart are a bunch of individual letters that when separated don’t deliver any type of impact, but when strung together, create excerpts that can resonate with the reader long after they have read a particular piece of writing! That is the magic within letters. They can unite to create a poignant piece of poetry, or a riveting edge of your seat thriller of a story. Letters combined into words can elicit immense emotional responses from an individual coupled with the tone and the manner in which one delivers them. These tiny insignificant letters are not insignificant at all! When presented in sentences such as, “Will you marry me?” They cause a euphoric reaction within an individual. They can cause intense pain when presented in sentences such as “You are fired!” Letters are powerful when united into words. Be sure to use yours wisely!

As a previous kindergarten teacher, I had the pleasure of introducing children to the magic created when combining letters to form words. This initial introduction for children to the concept of taking individual letters to create words, and from there form sentences, paragraphs, stories, and so on, is essential. Teachers are entrusted with the task of educating tomorrow’s leaders. The elementary process of connecting letter sounds together to formulate words may be something many people have long since forgotten about because it is practically innate in us. These new learners however must be enlightened to the secrets behind creating words using 26 letters. Their journey to incorporating letters into words has just commenced!

If you ever enter a kindergarten classroom you will see the alphabet prominently displayed for these eager new minds. Additional posters on how to correctly print these letters, along with cute eye-catching pictures depicting characters whose names begin with each letter of the alphabet to help students make the letter-sound connection, are seen gracing the walls of the classroom. Last year, courtesy of Pinterest, my colleagues and I took the letter craze one step further. We built crate seats for the work centers and found fabric depicting the letters of the alphabet to cover the seats with. This is what you see pictured above. The students now had another additional reminder of letters whenever they went to work centers! Letters may seem small and unimportant when encountered individually, but together their importance and strength comprises endless possibilities! Letters are small but mighty!

Cat in a Suitcase!


How many of you have had this happen? You are all set to start packing for a wonderful, well deserved vacation. You have made your list of clothes to pack and are all prepared to begin the arduous process of packing. You have all your vacation clothes neatly packed so they can be easily placed into the suitcase when you realize the suitcase is already occupied! By your darling cat who refuses to move because he does not want you to leave! It’s impossible to argue with him as he glares up at you, tail thumping angrily against the inside of the suitcase and emitting a deep throated noise that is quite scary. No, it is better to place your clothes to the side and go about doing something else in hopes that he will vacate the suitcase in order for you to pack. Cats are such territorial animals and each sees to embody a unique personality all their own. I know that’s the case with my cat Kasey. Now twelve years old and VERY set in his ways, it’s futile to get him to do something he doesn’t wish to do at times! He can also be the sweetest, most loving cat you’ll ever meet, as long as you don’t attempt to remove him from his comfortable home that is! 🙂


A post challenge of three!  I had to share these beautifully designed cupcakes I was lucky enough to eat at a bridal shower this past weekend! They are arranged on a “three” tiered mirrored tray to enhance their appeal!  They were quite delicious each one artfully decorated with care!  A true trifecta of decadence!

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My Heart, My Love, My Treasure!
Throughout my life I’ve been lucky to have many things that I once only dreamed of possessing!  But the treasure of my life is my husband! Quietly caring in his mannerisms, he would do anything for me.  When I feel down he will do silly things, just to make a smile cross my lips.  He knows me better than I know myself at times!  He knows what music makes me want to dance, what my favorite type of chocolate is and when I really could use some of it to make me feel happy.  Some days he comes home after a long day of working hard at his job, with a bouquet of flowers for no reason, a blu-ray dvd of a movie he knows I love, or some other surprise to make my eyes light up with happiness!  He does so many things to make me happy that I couldn’t begin to list them all here.  I truly treasure his love, and know I could never find anyone who would try half as hard to bring me the joy that he does!  He is what I treasure most in my life.  When we are apart I wait with bated breath for him to return home each day.  He has changed my life for the better and understands me unlike any other person I know.  I am so grateful to have met him and to have been lucky enough to have him return my love!  I treasure every moment with my husband, and am profoundly grateful that destiny brought him to me!

weekly photo challenge treasure

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Rainbows Everywhere!!


My object I fondly refer to as my rainbow maker!  My best friend gave it to me this past Christmas since she knew of my love for rainbows!  The object pictured contains a mini solar panel on top, which when powered by sunlight causes the colorful gears in the circle to move.  The moving gears cause the dangling crystal to rotatate, resulting in rainbows being visible throughout the whole room!  I was skeptical if it would really work when I first hung it in my bedroom window, but the next morning I awoke to a room bathed in rainbows! It was so pleasant to wake up like this, everyone who loves rainbows should have a rainbow maker of their own to enjoy those seven fabulous colors seen when a rainbow appears!  Something about the sight of a mini rainbow in my room just fills me with joy, making the day ahead seem full of endless possibilities to achieve! 


Some rainbows created by my rainbow maker! 🙂
Weekly Photo Challenge-Object

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     Juxtaposition is the depiction of two objects that seem completely out of place when placed side by side.  Here I chose this photograph of a freely growing amongst the weeds and dead leaves of late fall.  It offers a spot of hope of brightness in an otherwise muted landscape devoid of color.  A special symbol of inspiration for a world in need of something to cling to as a sign that things will get better. That’s the interpretation I get from this photograph.  What do you think the buttercup depicts here?



Families can mean different things to each person.  Some people come from small families, while other people have families comprising large groups of people.  Then there are friends who have always been in your life and would give you the shirt off their backs.  They grow so close to you, you couldn’t imagine life without them.  These are your adopted family members that while not blood, are family nonetheless! 
We tend to immediately picture people when we hear the word family, but animals also have their own sense of family.  Here in the picture above I was lucky to capture a family of six deer coming out of the forest to search for food together as the sun was setting.  The larger deer protected the smaller deer by keeping them in the middle of their line, just as parents protect their children.  The larger deer also kept a watchful eye for signs of danger as their young ate.  It was amazing to witness the similarities between how the mother and father deer cared for their young,  compared to how a human mother and father care for their children.  It was a truly beautiful experience!

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