Category: Floral beauty


We all are familiar with these whispy dandelion seeds.  I am betting that as a child you picked one of the bulbous flowers, squeezed your eyes tight, as your mind formulated a wish that contained your heart’s desire, then lightly blew the transparent seeds, sending them scattering on the wind’s currents.  Sound familiar?  Sure it does!  There is just something enticing about these starry shaped seeds that seems to exude magic!


These dandelion seeds wished upon carried our childhood hopes and dreams entwined within their silky fibers.  Their presence today, even as adults, still holds a whimsical wonderment reminding us of the joyful moments spent believing in the magic found in nature.  This magic has not deserted us.  It lies deep within us waiting to be rediscovered.  Nature provides magnificent moments for us.  It is up to you to allow the magic found in nature, permission to become part of your world again.  As children we had no problem noticing the most minute details that encircled our environment.   We could haphazardly wish upon dandelion seed flowers, sending our wishes off into the atmosphere, secure in the knowledge that our wishes would be heard and materialize somehow in our lives.  Life was simple then.  Although we may have grown into adults, magic never ages,  waiting patiently for us to uncover it.  Delight in special aspects of nature, enhancing the magic moments found in something as simple as making a wish upon a dandelion seed flower! Allow the Earth’s wonder to rekindle the flame of childhood memories once more!


Photography taken by the writer and may not be reused, copied, or altered in any manner without written consent from the writer. Thank you! 🙂

                   Happy Earth Day!




     Happy Earth Day Birthday to all! I wanted to showcase the beauty the Earth provides for us in this post!  It seems fitting that Earth Day is in spring when the world is lush with vivid colored blooms, the grass is a vibrant shade of green, and the trees start to grow buds again.  The Earth puts on a brilliant display of beauty found everywhere you turn!
     As a former teacher I always felt it was important to teach even my youngest students about ways to save the Earth’s resources so they would always remain plentiful.  If we educate the children of the world on recycling, reducing, and reusing resources, then they in turn can educate their children creating a cycle of wisely caring for the Earth, trees, plants, and animals for generations to come.  So today as we celebrate Earth Day, consider what you do already or can start doing to keep this beautiful planet of our healthy!



     If you already recycle, then that’s one step towards helping the planet.  What are some other ways to keep Earth healthy you might wonder?  I’ve compiled a brief list of ways to ensure that our Earth is around for a long time.  Ways to Improve the Earth
– Plant new trees to improve the flow of oxygen and beautify the land.
– Plant vibrantly hued flowers to add color.  This is prime planting time for various varieties of flowers!
– Create a compost pile so certain types of biodegradable foods break down naturally! DO NOT PUT DAIRY OR MEAT PRODUCTS IN YOUR COMPOST PILE!
– Plant a garden to grow your own vegtables.  The churning of the soil helps to spread nutrients.
– If you’re not already doing so recycle bottles, cans, newspapers, junk mail, and glass.

There are many small ways to help improve the Earth that will result in a positive impact! The animals, trees, and plants will thank you and future generations will be grateful as well!  So celebrate Earth Day by giving back to the Earth that has given humanity so much of itself over the decades!

Happy Earth Day All!





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Spring is my absolute favorite season! The world is renewed and reborn awaking from its long winter nap.  The colors seen bursting forth from the various different flowers carpet the Earth in a rainbow of colors! The grass takes on a lush, vibrant green hue and songbirds sing sweetly.  Beautiful elements of nature are found at ever turn. 


The flowers are my favorite thing about spring.  The magnificence seen through their brilliant colors and varying shapes is stunning to witness!  The singular beauty found in an emerging blossom is breathtaking!


Spring makes us grateful for each vividly hued petal, the feel of cool grass under our toes, and the realization that another segment in the cycle of nature has begun!



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     Juxtaposition is the depiction of two objects that seem completely out of place when placed side by side.  Here I chose this photograph of a freely growing amongst the weeds and dead leaves of late fall.  It offers a spot of hope of brightness in an otherwise muted landscape devoid of color.  A special symbol of inspiration for a world in need of something to cling to as a sign that things will get better. That’s the interpretation I get from this photograph.  What do you think the buttercup depicts here?
This weeks theme of one is fabulous! I had such a hard time deciding which photograph would best depict the theme one for me.  I wanted my submission to stand out and be symbolic since the term one symbolizes individuality, strength, and independence.  Finally I settled on this photograph.


One Nation United!

I feel nothing symbolizes the theme of one like our flag.  I noticed it waving proudly from atop a building from my hotel room in New Orleans.  The flag of our country is the one symbol known far and wide to all Americans.  Steadfast, strong, an unwavering sign of our one nation united!

Then I had to add a few additional photographs that met the theme of one, couldn’t help it!
First I adored this curly tailed lizard seen in Grand Cayman.  He wandered amongst the tourists, fearless content to be on his own!

Then this single bluebird appearing in my bushes exibited the singular theme so completely, he had to be included.

The theme of one couldn’t be complete without a photograph of my favorite cat! He’s an entity all his own!


A single, bright, yellow buttercup growing amongst weeds under a bush made my cut as well.

This post on the theme of one, had to display my favorite natural phenomena by Mother Nature.  A vibrant rainbow cascading through the sky!  While some rainbows appear as double rainbows, this capture is of a single one slicing color through the fluffy clouds! Pure singular magnificence!


Finally, keeping with the season, this snow-covered tree standing resolute, alone on my front lawn, branches straining under the weight of snow and ice rounded out my contributions to the weekly photo challenge-one!

Enjoy my interpretations of one! Happy Holidays everyone!

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