Archive for December, 2013


The best idea I ever came up with that gave me an “ah ha!” type of feeling was when I decided to leave the education field and pursue a full-time writing career.  I loved writing stories, poetry, and journaling since I was a child.  I still remember writing stories, drawing the illustrations for my stories, then stapling the pages together to make homemade books as a child.  Writing has always been in my blood, it’s been my safety net during troubled times in life, allowing me to record my true thoughts and feelings about issues that arose.  It has been an outlet to turn to. Helping to release bottled up feelings and providing me with a reprieve from negative thoughts that threatened to poison my mind and block out my positive nature. 
     Once I set my mind to following my dreams of becoming a full-time writer, I created my writing company Rainbows of Happiness LLC dedicated to a special angel who had been taken too soon from my life.  She is the reason I have been motivated to go for my writing dream, helping me to realize that life can be unexpectedly cut short so we must live in the moment.  She is my rainbow of happiness in life, so there was no question about what my company should be named.
     Since the time of my company’s creation this past July, I’ve authored a short story Always In My Heart which was chosen for the featured showcase gallery on, had two poems published on, one to be published in the Spring 2014 edition of The East Coast Literary Review, one poem chosen for the Winter Solstice Initiative, became a regular contributor for Smile magazine creating their cover story and articles, was chosen as featured poet for the featured 4 by MUTT online staff, was interviewed by Idea Creations Press, have an upcoming interview with Book Shelf in Feb 2014, have created my company webpage for Rainbows of Happiness LLC, self-host 4 blogs (3 on writing, poetry, and any writing topics that intrigue me, and 1 photography based blog for sharing tips, advice, and displaying my photography along with photographs sent in by followers), I’ve written articles on various topics including fashion, jewelry, shoes, photography, health, exercise, skin care, and education that have been formatted and used on various websites, blogs, magazines, and ezines,  and most recently I have become owner/moderator of photography community Magnificent Moments Captured Through Film, (I’ve been taking pictures since receiving my first camera at age 8), on Google+ which is expanding in membership faster than I ever imagined! 
     Who do I owe credit to for my success in writing and photography?  Why to my special angel, my real rainbow of happiness!  Had she not shown me the fragility of life, the fleeting sense of our existence, I wouldn’t have been spurred to work to hard to follow my dreams of writing and photography to fruition.  I am thankful every day for the hand life dealt me, for being able to know my special angel, even briefly, because ever triumph I achieve, every obstacle I face, I know she’s watching, helping me stay strong and urging me onward to fulfill my dreams for the both of us!

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The feeling brought about resulting in joy can be caused by a multitude of things.  The cause of joy is different for each person. Maybe twinkling lights during the holidays make you feel joy.  Hearing a baby’s heartbeat for the first time is pure untainted joy for others.  Seeing the face of a special person in your life brings a warm feeling of joy, or catching sight of the first snowflake of the season as it floats gracefully towards the ground, coming home to be met at the door by your beloved dog, or capturing a beautiful moment in nature resplendent in all its glory. All these things and more provide people with a sense of joy.  My photo above illustrates joy for me.  A blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds, a brilliant sun shooting its rays directly into the clouds and down to the water, as if connecting the sky above to the Earth.  Its golden reflection mirrored in the water below is pure beauty, and causes me to feel joy in the beauty and magnificence of nature all around me!  The opening in the clouds, allowing a hint of blue sky to show is magical in that one feels as if those loved ones above are peeking down to check on us, letting us know they’re not far away!  Captures like this are the epitome of joy for me!  So what gives you joy in life? Share your photographs or stories at

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I hope all enjoyed the holidays and made wonderful memories.  I thought it would be fun to share through writing or photography some favorite holidays moments experienced on Christmas.  Feel free to share you favorite moments from your holiday celebrations yesterday by commenting in the comments area or sending the link to a photograph you want to share with the A Veil of Enlightenment followers!  I”ll post any shared photographs on my blog and the photographer retains ownership! Hope to see some wonderful holiday scenes! 🙂

      Beautiful holiday table settings!


Gorgeous sunset colors on Christmas Day!


         Delicious Holiday Desserts!


          Pets Dressed for Christmas!

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Best wishes for the happiest of holidays to all my followers! Have a safe and merry holiday season, enjoying this time with close family and friends.  Eat lots of delicious holiday cookies, and don’t think twice.  Holidays were made for celebrating and enjoying the good things in life!  I wish you a prosperous New Year full of happiness, health, and success! I will be signinging off for the holidays, but spread the word about my blog to family and friends to follow and like, and share my posts at  Enjoy everyone! Be safe! 🙂

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This weeks theme of one is fabulous! I had such a hard time deciding which photograph would best depict the theme one for me.  I wanted my submission to stand out and be symbolic since the term one symbolizes individuality, strength, and independence.  Finally I settled on this photograph.


One Nation United!

I feel nothing symbolizes the theme of one like our flag.  I noticed it waving proudly from atop a building from my hotel room in New Orleans.  The flag of our country is the one symbol known far and wide to all Americans.  Steadfast, strong, an unwavering sign of our one nation united!

Then I had to add a few additional photographs that met the theme of one, couldn’t help it!
First I adored this curly tailed lizard seen in Grand Cayman.  He wandered amongst the tourists, fearless content to be on his own!

Then this single bluebird appearing in my bushes exibited the singular theme so completely, he had to be included.

The theme of one couldn’t be complete without a photograph of my favorite cat! He’s an entity all his own!


A single, bright, yellow buttercup growing amongst weeds under a bush made my cut as well.

This post on the theme of one, had to display my favorite natural phenomena by Mother Nature.  A vibrant rainbow cascading through the sky!  While some rainbows appear as double rainbows, this capture is of a single one slicing color through the fluffy clouds! Pure singular magnificence!


Finally, keeping with the season, this snow-covered tree standing resolute, alone on my front lawn, branches straining under the weight of snow and ice rounded out my contributions to the weekly photo challenge-one!

Enjoy my interpretations of one! Happy Holidays everyone!

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What can I say I love this week’s photography challenge of community!  Here are a few more additions of communities both small and large. 


The most common community type seen lately, birds in v-formation heading South as a community.


A community of teapots each symbolizing different places and moments in my mom’s life.


My favorite community formation! A community of various teacups owned by my mother.  Some dating back to before I was born!  This shadow box housing the community of teacups has been hanging here for as long as I can remember.  Each teacup in this community tells a story about a time or event in my mom’s life.  This teacup community is a compilation of her life’s experiences.


Another well-known type of community, a community of various fish!  Fish don’t segregate one another based on type or size.  They’re content to exist together in a makeshift community regardless of color, shape, or variety.  They form a true melting pot of a community!

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I just found out that I was chosen by the staff of MUTT online as the featured poet for this month!  This places me in their featured 4 section where a poet, writer, artist, and photographer who works their heart out is recognized each month! I’m thrilled to be chosen! Please visit to view my complete profile, poetry submission, or photography submissions! Thank you to the MUTT staff for reconizing my efforts!

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A Veil of Enlightenment!

Promoting the written word of amazing writers as well as my own personal books and musings!😊

Project Light to Life

A bucket list blog: exploring happiness, growth, and the world.

Live to Write - Write to Live

We live to write and write to live ... professional writers talk about the craft and business of writing

Beautifully broken bookworm

Thoughts on life, and the things which make us tick

Cafe Book Bean

Talk Books. Drink Coffee.

Lucy Mitchell Author

Romance Author


A Small Glimpse into the Literary World

Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

Blog magazine for lovers of health, food, books, music, humour and life in general

Author Tina Stewart

Clean Romance - love- happily ever after

Author Becca Lee

Contemporary & Paranormal Romance Author

Michelle Dare

Romance to satisfy your every need.

Claire Plaisted - Multi-Genre Author

All the latest BOOK and NEWS from Claire Plaisted

If Books Could Blog

Live life as though someone will write a book about it, which will one day been reviewed!

Blogging for a Good Book

A suggestion a day from the Williamsburg Regional Library

The Brevity Blog

Essays Exploring craft and the writing life