Tag Archive: photographers


I truly can say with no hesitation that I love my job! I have wanted to be a writer since I was a child, when I would write my own stories, draw the illustrations, and staple the pages together to make my own books.  It has taken me awhile to get to the point of owning my own writing company where I am my own boss, but it has been worth it.  I love having the opportunity to write about things I’m passionate about whenever I want. My writing will eventually become my legacy for generations to enjoy long after my time here is through.  Writing helps release pent up feelings both good and bad allowing me to freely express myself through words that resonate with the reader.  

Another unexpected element that has surfaced through owning my writing company is I have been able to explore various creative avenues through photography, drawing, and even creating book covers.  Some days I awake brimming with creativity that I want to share with the world! Thanks to the many social media outlets I am a member of, I can do just that!  The ability to reach a large audience with one post in amazing!  

Through my job of writing the world, I am able to observe all the beauty around us that would normally go unnoticed in the rush of a 9-5 type of job.  I truly appreciate every moment spent working on my writing and promoting it.  It is my life’s passion so everyday I look forward to the new experiences that I will encounter in my career.  I love my job and the people it allows me to meet who are traveling the same path.  These experiences are immeasurable and ones that I know I will look back with fondness on in my later years.  I followed my dream and have no regrets in my choice!
Daily Post Prompt

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You know you’ve all done it! You see a fountain resplendent with light illuminated by the sun and it lures you over.  Glancing along the bottom of this fabulous source of water, you see glinting pennies lining the bottom, representing wishes of those that had lingered beside this same fountain.  Here they stood eyes squeezed shut, heart filled with hope, and tossed their penny or two gleefully into the fountain hoping that their wish would be heard, causing their secret desires to become reality. 

As a smile plays across my lips I reach into my pocket, producing two shiny pennies. Much like those before me I squeeze my eyes shut, pause, taking a moment to languish in the hope of  wishes coming true, then open my eyes and send my two pennies sailing through the air.  They land in the fountain with a satisfying plunk, immersing themselves in the watery depths, co-mingling with all the other hopes and wishes.  I turn, walking away with a light heart.  What was it that I wished for you may be wondering?  That wish is between me and those two pennies! 🙂

Daily Post Daily Prompt

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Cat in a Suitcase!


How many of you have had this happen? You are all set to start packing for a wonderful, well deserved vacation. You have made your list of clothes to pack and are all prepared to begin the arduous process of packing. You have all your vacation clothes neatly packed so they can be easily placed into the suitcase when you realize the suitcase is already occupied! By your darling cat who refuses to move because he does not want you to leave! It’s impossible to argue with him as he glares up at you, tail thumping angrily against the inside of the suitcase and emitting a deep throated noise that is quite scary. No, it is better to place your clothes to the side and go about doing something else in hopes that he will vacate the suitcase in order for you to pack. Cats are such territorial animals and each sees to embody a unique personality all their own. I know that’s the case with my cat Kasey. Now twelve years old and VERY set in his ways, it’s futile to get him to do something he doesn’t wish to do at times! He can also be the sweetest, most loving cat you’ll ever meet, as long as you don’t attempt to remove him from his comfortable home that is! 🙂

Nature amazes me consistently with its beauty.  The other night I was photographing the sunset and the vivid colors displayed in the sky took my breath away! See for yourself on my link to the album volume 2 how magnificent nature can be!  Enjoy my friends! 🙂


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          Jaime and I in kindergarten!

I met my best friend Jaime over thirty years ago on the first day of kindergarten!  I had been worried about making new friends on my first day of school so I had asked my mother how I should make friends.  She told me to simply be a friendly person and go up to other children saying, “Hi my name is Jennifer, do you want to be friends?”

Being five, I took her words very literally, and when I entered school on that first day of kindergarten, I approached a tiny fellow classmate with the longest hair I had ever seen and said those exact words my mother had instructed me to say in hopes she would be my new friend.  It worked! My mom was right! Alli had to do to make friends was to be friendly and smile! Little did I know that introducing myself to this long haired little girl was the best thing I could have done! We became best friends immediately and still are to this very day!

I believe the reason Jaime and I are still best friends today despite living in separate states, is because we have always been there for one another.  As children our relationship stayed strong because we always got along, liked similar things, yet we didn’t have the exact same personality.  We were different just enough, that it allowed us to revel in each other’s uniqueness, bringing out the best in one another.  Jaime is a talented artist, I can’t draw to save my life! I loved reading constantly, which has helped me to become a detailed writer.  We both love animals, rainbows, dragonflies and butterflies, and taking photographs.  As the years passed, our friendship moved beyond the realm of being best friends, and we became like family.  We still refer to each other’s mothers as “mom #2”.  We have never fought over anything, and continue to this day to discover new dynamics in our friendship.

Our friendship has been strengthened over the years due to a mutual respect for one another.  We support each other in all we do, cheering each other on, applauding achievements accomplished, consoling the other when life throws us an unexpected curveball that results in sad outcomes, and even if we have been apart for long periods of time, we are able to pick up right where we last left off!  We stay in touch through texts, use the various social media platforms to stay abreast of what is happening in each other’s lives, and take turns writing handwritten letters that we mail (so rare in this technology driven world) to each other.  The reason we are able to still be best friends, despite living in separate states is we take the time to care about what is happening in each other’s lives!  That is the key to keeping a lasting friendship going.

Some of you may know the rhyme “Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the others gold”, well Jaime is my golden friend for life!


Jaime and I on the last day of high school!

Daily Post Prompt Strong

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A perfect circle or “halo” rainbow with sun and rays in the dead center to enhance it!

Being one extremely interested in rainbows and their meanings, I had read some time ago that rainbow arcs we usually see in the sky are actually part of a rainbow.  A rainbow is actually a circle! Well this was a new one on me! Then yesterday as I photographed the sun around noonish, I noticed rainbow colors slightly above the sun’s extended rays.  I stepped back to attempt to capture it and that’s when I realized I was staring at a humongous circle rainbow with the sun dead in the center of it! I kept backing up trying to captured this rare phenomenon, for me at least it was, all the while staring awe- struck  at the sheer size of it! It was directly over my house and backyard!


This shows the sheer size of the halo rainbow before I started backing up to capture it all!

Later I went in to review my photos and was thrilled to have captured this magical work of nature fully in several photos.  Being the type of person who has to know the meaning/symbolism behind occurrences, I looked up circle rainbows. I loved the name “halo” rainbow because it seems to symbolize angels and to me this halo rainbow symbolized the uniting of all the many people my families have lost coming together as one to tell me they are okay up there!  It made my heart and soul feel warm and happy to make this connection. 


I tried to capture different angles of the sun in the halo rainbow.

Now of course I know that these rare rainbows are created from ice crystals being hit by sunlight, but as I go out several times a day every day to photograph the natural world around me, why haven’t I seen one sooner? Why was it that when I was feeling extremely low in my life and had beseechingly been asking for a rainbow the day prior that all of a sudden out of the blue, I get to witness the most amazing type of rainbow imaginable? Someone up there knew I was in need of a special sign.  This rainbow was it.  I spent the rest of the day floating on air feeling so much better about life!  I see this rainbow as a magnificent gift from above! Think what you will about its sudden appearance, but for me it came at a time I needed it the most!


See the rainbow colors running along the top of this circle rainbow?


Here the sun even looks like a star in the center!

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Dream Visions

     Nighttime arrives, shadows begin to lengthen,
sweet slumber will soon overwhelm my being.
     Tiny twinkling glimmers appear in an indigo sky,
moonlight glistens, creating a veil of translucency over Earth.
     Laying with head cradled in a billowing pillow of softness,
thoughts drift to a land inhabited by sweet dreams.
     Visions swirl splendidly throughout my head,
as deeper into unconsciousness I fall.
     Dreams filled with memories of times past,
blurry images, changing rapidly within seconds.
     Pictures flash by, like a movie set to fast forward,
glimpses of life, not played out in entirety.
     They gain in momentum, intensity, appearance,
gasping from the flood of images, I awake.
     Sunlight streams in through slated blinds,
blinking from shimmering trajectories, I rise.

Daily Post Prompt Imagination

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A post challenge of three!  I had to share these beautifully designed cupcakes I was lucky enough to eat at a bridal shower this past weekend! They are arranged on a “three” tiered mirrored tray to enhance their appeal!  They were quite delicious each one artfully decorated with care!  A true trifecta of decadence!

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First and foremost a very Happy Valentine’s Day to all! I hope you’re enjoying it with the one or one you love most! 🙂  This deer and doe certainly are! 🙂 


Valentine’s day isn’t just for couples of the human race, animals express their passion for one another in their own manner.  For instance animals are protective of their loved ones (much like us humans).  They look out for each other when foraging for food (like the deer corn I have to put out twice a day due to this frigid weather!) to make sure their loved ones get the nutrition they need to survive.  Now if that’s not love I don’t know what is!  My problem is that their families are huge!  The crows around here show their love for each other by telling the first, second, third, and fourth cousins to come get food in my backyard! I’m running through my deer corn faster and faster in this weather! Someone has to help them out though with all the snow though! 🙂



Then of course there is the protective comraderie between the teeny tiny birds and what I call the “momma bird” who makes sure the birds of smaller statue get food and maintain a watchful eye over the scene.  This is a type of love formed through friendship and probably the most interesting type of relationship in the animal kingdom for me!


Above is the lookout “momma bird” as I call her!


Here are the little ones “momma bird” watches out for while they eat! 🙂

Well we all have someone to watch over and protect showing our love in various ways. Whatever your plans this Valentine’s Day, I hope you have a wonderful time! 


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